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Pit Jack P-114Е-10, P-114Е-10-1, P-114Е-16, P-114Е-16-1

Designed for hanging over a viewing ditch or the lift of the front or rear axles of cars, buses, tractors, construction and agricultural machines.

Set on the ditch.

Method of locomotion — manual; truck with a hydraulic cylinder and pump is movable along and across the ditch.

High versatility provided by interchangeable pickups for different types of work.

A high degree of security is provided by using simultaneously the mechanical and hydraulic safety devices

Is made individually to the size of a pit of the customer.

Technical data

Brand lift





Hoisting capacity

10 000 kgs

10 000 kgs

16 000 kgs

16 000 kgs

Lifting height

750 mm

750 mm

750 mm

750 mm


Manual hydraulic drive

Manual hydraulic drive

Manual hydraulic drive

Manual hydraulic drive


Mechanical safety device


A separate support system

Integrated support system

A separate support system

Integrated support system

To order canavero lift please fill in check sheet (sheet measurements), after downloading the below links:

Questionnaire P 114 E-10

Questionnaire P 114 E-10-1

Questionnaire P 114 E-10-2

Completed questionnaires you can send by e-mail oborud@atb.ru


More detailed information on the equipment found at the link https://yadi.sk/d/aC4iTYxjsfpa2